Man & Girl |
The poor boy eats nuts sold,
The daughter of a man eating his nuts Janna suddenly one day the boy came to his shop every day, Madam careful careful, why she do not want your money,
He spontaneously careful Madam,
She laughed and say hey j you money bookerWhat if we do not eat,
The boy careful. Madam several days for you to come to my shop to eat nuts Janna, when you are buying from the stores of the nut bears my God, my bagagakebadale Cinemas is a lot more than I will give you free nuts,
If she is careful not to do anything if you take the exchange, and then I'd stores asabona,The boy careful, but I'll share what I have to give it,
Girl: Say what you wantBoy: You come to my shop every day, and you stand on your own two minutes bagagabana hands shook my nuts nuts Ner will dare to stir camacata one minute, then she would be laughing again, I'd have to say that I agree,
So she comes every day, a few days after the sudden she's been missing for two days at the storesAnd he took the boy to the hospital there khujaDemenja her a kidney.After the childThat was haspitala,A few days later, his daughter,Healthy again came to the shop to eat nuts,Madam careful how boys and girls areAsenni why so many days,
She was in the hospital careful, I continued my kidneys were damagedBoy: What happened thenGirl: I would donate a kidney to her after she could not find meBoy: If you worked in a hospitalThe narasa narasa all know that you have served, and who gave you a kidneyThen she went crazy narasera careful who you said gave me a kidney or I'll hatta atta narasa laughed and careful follow it with my daughter and then took a rickshaw narasa was in a tiny room in a poor neighborhood of the girl
But the little boy went into the house and saw the nuts sitting footed,Who would ask me who provided narasa meyeta kidney,This is the nuts-footed narasa careful who you give your kidney has been forbidden Janna tell anyone because he hates poor people, so if your parents love for his people who donated one of his kidneys to a hospital more than she told you she was prayajana one Cho: b, and because he was willing to give you the love you ..
She is not shy about telling him all my life, I'd want you to get involved at the carefulWali'd be nuts,And she said, Who then narasaNow go to the houseExit from aQazi summoned ,,,, please ??Sheikh Al-Amin stands expatriate banduraWould you say that with a lot of expensive kamentansa apnara able to write ????
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